
The goal itself was not particularly memorable

In the 21st minute he loped into the box from the wing before scooping his finish over the bar and three minutes later his curling attempt found its way into Joubert's gloves. Silva took the focus off his frustrated team-mate by notching the first goal on 27 minutes.After moving swiftly down the right wing, the Manchester City playmaker cut inside  Buy Fifa Coins  before guiding the ball home with his left boot. Play resumed and Costa quickly drilled a snapshot straight into defender Chris Philipps.

Alcacer then stepped up to assist his strike partner, first missing the mark from the centre of the box before rattling home the second goal having been set up by Silva. Luxembourg enjoyed a rare moment of promise when play resumed after the break, Maxime Chanot sweeping up Mathias Janisch's corner to thump the ball wide of a post.In the 69th minute it was finally time for Costa to break his duck.

The goal itself was not particularly memorable - Costa was simply in the right spot to tuck the ball home after Marc Bartra failed to find a way past the unprotected Joubert.With the result now secure, coach Vicente del Bosque threw the uncapped duo of Valencia striker Rodrigo and Bayern left-back Bernat into the fray as substitutes. The switch paid dividends in the 88th minute as the former Los Che team-mates combined well in the box before the Bundesliga player managed to Fifa 17 Coins turn the ball home.

