
In the beginning of FIFA 16

Over the first month since release, it seems as though goalkeepers have developed a slight weakness at their near post. So rinse it for all it's worth until it gets patched in an update. Ball rolls (moving the right analogue stick right or left) just before that vital moment can give you that crucial extra yard of space too - and most players will be able to Fifa 16 Coins pull it off. Keep that one in your back pocket. FIFA 16 is set for a September 23rd release date on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3 and PC.

In the beginning of FIFA 16 i bought for example Miranda (IF). My thought was that only Sergio Ramos was better! Its actually still like that! So I bought him for 70k and sold him recently for 130k = around 50-55k profit on 1 player. Making calculated risks and understanding the market: An IF player is always very expensive when he enters the market! 

Assuming he is worth using in the future! So.. When TOTW is out each wednesday, dont buy the IF`s! If you want to try to invest and make profit on IF`s buy them monday or tuesday evening (A lot of the same player on the market, cheapest price!!) They rules in my head: Buy IF`s whos actually usable in the future! Like Lahm just came out (Bought him for 240k assuming that he will be more expensive in 3-4 weeks, I dont use him. Its only investments! Furthermore, this aint at all time consuming (more time to Buy Fifa 16 Coins  play the game!)

