Panama refused to play a friendly match next FIFA date, on August 14, with the intention of extending the days off of Cheap Fifa Coins your selection before qualifying match against Jamaica, reported the Panamanian Football Federation."Due to the great sport six Gold Cup commitments, it was decided not to play," said Fepafut in a statement.
Panama must face as host on 6 September to its counterpart of Jamaica for Fepafut commitment and his technical team, led by Julio Cesar Dely Valdes, "is above all."In early July, the Venezuelan Football Federation reported that its counterpart in Panama had dismissed a friendly match between the two teams, previously scheduled for August 14.
The selection of Panama fell on Sunday in the Gold Cup final against the USA 0-1, tournament that "apparently" Red istme?a returned to the path you need to get one of the three direct berths to Fifa Coins the World Brazil 2014.Panama is in fifth place in the CONCACAF hexagonal with six points, behind the United States (13 points), Costa Rica (11) Mexico (8) and Honduras (7). The group is completed by Jamaica, which has two points.