
Return PolicyHow do I get a return?

We aggressively prosecute, to the fullest extent of the law, those perpetrator sapprehended conducting fraudulent activities on its web site. Agencies with which we cooperate are: state and local police authorities, the United States Federal Bureau of  Fifa 16 Coins Investigation, US and International Customs Agencies, andInterpol.

Return PolicyHow do I get a return?We handle all refund requests through ourLive Help. We do not accept refund requests via e-mail for security reasons. Ifyou would like to request a refund, please contact our Live Help. I have not received my order. What is happening?In the vast majority of cases, we are ableto fulfill orders within the time frame given. However, sometimes we may beunable to fulfill your order right away.

If this is the case, we shall contactyou to inform you. You will be given the option to cancel your order and get arefund, or wait for us to have stock again. Please note that, we could onlymake partial refund if you have received part of good as ordered.How are refunds issued?If your request for a refund is granted, It takes up to 3 days for Cheap Fifa 16 Coins the refund to show up on your creditcard account.http://www.fifa16shop.com/

