
Right Claudio Marchisio completes

Right Claudio Marchisio completes the midfield diamond. The Italian international has four stars in the special movement and is very agile. With a total score of 83 Marchisio has made good values in Fifa 16 XBOX One Coins  all areas.

In attack we have in our lineup has two strong counter-striker Sebastian Giovinco (76) and Carlos Tevez (85). Who misses the header strong Llorente, we unfortunately have to disappoint you. We rely on quick strikes with nimble and dribbling players. Giovinco is a true racer and has great technology and movement values.

However, Shot Power and statements are not particularly strong, but you can very effectively deal with Giovinco the keeper under pressure. Tevez is there already a different brand. As ice-cold scorer in striker is hard to separate from the ball and can handle even the heaviest balls thanks to  Fifa 16 PS4 Coins his dribbling skills. A strong attacker who enters not only fast, but also very effective.

